In collaboration with Dove Hair

Hi babes today I am sharing with you an exciting post. A few months back I started noticing a ton of flakes in my hair after showering, so not cute! I’m so excited that I found a solution that eliminates flakes, while nourishing my hair.I partnered with Dove Hair and started using their DermaCare Scalp Pure Daily Care 2in1 Shampoo & Conditioner and I absolutely love it. This shampoo not only has me flake-free now but it also leaves my hair so smooth and nourished. You don’t have to compromise nourishment in order to get rid of the annoying flakes.
After trying so many different shampoos I also noticed that most had smells that I wasn't a fan of but the Dove DermaCare Scalp Pure Daily Care 2in1 Shampoo & Conditioner has a fresh rosemary scent that I love.You can find Dove DermaCare Scalp collection at Target, Walgreens and your local drugstore for $4.99.
Hola mis chulas hoy comparto con ustedes algo que me encanta y me emociona. Hace unos meses empece a notar que tenia caspa. Des pues de bañarme y cepillarme el cabello note cositas blancas. Y ósea quien quiere cositas blancas en su cabello? Hello, nadie! Así que hoy estoy super emocionada de compartir con ustedes que encontré una solución para no tener caspa y nutrir el cabello a la vez.
Decidí unirme con Dove Hair y empece usa la linea DermaCare Scalp Pure Daily Care 2in1 Shampoo & Conditioner y lo ame! Este shampoo no solo remueve la caspa pero tambien deja el cabello suavecito y saludable.
Después de probar tantas diferentes marcas y shampoos tambien note que otros no tenían un olor bonito, y el DermaCare Scalp Pure Daily Care 2in1 Shampoo & Conditioner huele deli deli a romero que me encanta. Pueden encontrar la colección de Dove DermaCare Scalp en Traget, Walmart o su tienda de farmacia local por $4.99